İSMAİL EMRE KENTMENOĞLU – THE ROOM TRAINING (Company) operating at Osmanağa Mah. Hasırcıbaşı Cad. Nadide Hanım Apt. No: 41/A Kadıköy/Istanbul-Turkey, managing and running (Site), uses cookies (Cookie/Cookies) during the visits of users (collectively referred to as Users), who are registered on the Site, as well as visitors other than those registered, in the context of services offered through the Site. This use of cookies is carried out in compliance with the applicable legislation, primarily including the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (KVKK), that the Company is subject to. The Company cannot disclose personal data of Users to others and cannot use them for purposes other than the processing of such data in violation of the Disclosure Text and the provisions of KVKK.

What Are Cookies?

Cookies are very small text files made up of letters and numbers that are stored on your computer (or other devices such as smartphones or tablets) through your web browser by the websites you visit. Cookies do not contain personal information such as names, genders, or addresses of visitors.

Cookies are created by the servers that manage the websites you visit, allowing the server to recognize your device when you visit the same site again. Cookies can be thought of as identity cards that show the same visitor when they revisit a website.

How Are Cookies Used?

The Company uses cookies to:

  • Remember your preferences and personalize your use of the website/mobile application/mobile site. This usage includes cookies that save your password and keep your website/mobile application/mobile site session open, so you don't have to enter your password multiple times during each visit.

  • Determine how you use the website/mobile application/mobile site, including how and from which devices you connect to the platforms operated by the Company, what content you view on the website/mobile application/mobile site, and the duration of your visit.

  • Use for targeting advertising/promotion purposes, in other words, to provide content and advertisements that are more suitable for your interests. The Company matches the information obtained through cookies with other personal data belonging to you to offer you more relevant content, personalized campaigns, and products, and does not present content or opportunities that you have previously stated you do not want.

  • Perform essential basic functions for the operation of the platforms operated by the Company. For example, allowing members to log in with their membership information.

  • Analyze the platforms and improve their performance. For example, identifying the number of visitors to the platforms and making performance adjustments accordingly, or making it easier for visitors to find what they are looking for.

  • Enhance the functionality and ease of use of the platforms. For example, remembering search queries for future visits or providing links to third-party social media activities via the platforms.

  • Perform personalization, targeting, and advertising activities. For example, displaying ads related to visitors' interests based on the pages and products they have viewed.

Cookie Management

Depending on your internet browser, you can obtain information about cookies, and use your right to allow or reject them by following the steps below:

  • Google Chrome: Click on the "padlock" or "i" letter in the "address bar" of your browser and you can allow or block cookies from the "Cookies" tab.

  • Internet Explorer: Click on the "Tool" or "Tools" section in the upper right corner of your browser and perform your cookie management as "allow" or "do not allow" from the "Security" tab.

  • Mozilla Firefox: Click on the "open menu" tab in the upper right corner of your browser. Perform your cookie management using the "Privacy and Security" button and the "Options" visual.

  • For other browsers (such as Opera, Microsoft Edge): You can check the help or support pages of the relevant browser.

  • Safari: You can manage all your cookie settings from the "Safari" section in the "Settings" of your phone.

  • In addition to the options above; to learn about all cookies and manage cookies: you can visit and

If you reject persistent cookies or session cookies, you can continue to use the website, mobile application, and mobile site, but you may not be able to access all the features of the website, mobile application, and mobile site, or your access may be limited. This situation may vary in the mobile application.

Types of Cookies in Terms of Use

Mandatory Cookies: These are cookies that are necessary for the proper functioning of the platforms. These cookies are required to manage the system, prevent fraudulent transactions, and if blocked, the platforms will not function properly.

Analysis/Performance Cookies: These cookies analyze and understand the operation of the platforms and allow interaction with the User to improve the platforms. The use of these cookies can be blocked.

Functional and Analytical Cookies: These cookies are used to provide users with an easier and enhanced user experience. They perform functions such as remembering previous preferences, easy access to some content on the Platform, efficient use of the platforms, optimizing them to respond to user requests, and knowing how visitors use the platforms. By nature, these types of cookies may contain personal information such as usernames. The use of these cookies can be blocked. Functional and Analytical Cookies used on platforms include, but are not limited to: Google Analytics, Google Ad Manager, Adform Data Management Platform, Criteo, Teads, Neustar, Pubmatic, and Oracle Data Management (BlueKai).

Targeting/Advertising/Commercial Cookies: These cookies are used to determine and present content of interest, including advertising content. They help to present similar quality content based on the interests and choices of users, and enhance the user experience with more advanced and personalized advertising portfolios. Users can make necessary adjustments through the internet browser settings. In any case, these settings may vary depending on the internet browser. The use of these cookies can be blocked. However, this blockage will not completely prevent advertising content, only general content ads will be presented instead of ads that may be of interest to the user. Targeting/Advertising/Commercial Cookies used on the platforms include, but are not limited to: Google Analytics, Google Ad Manager, Criteo, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Teads, Neustar, Pubmatic, Oracle Data Management (BlueKai), Hotjar, OneSignal, Taboola, and Gemius.

Flash Cookies: These are the types of cookies used to activate image or audio content on platforms.

Third-Party Cookies: The platform works with trusted, well-known advertising providers. Third-party service providers place their own cookies to provide personalized ads. Cookies placed by third parties collect and process the navigation information of visitors on the platforms, and how they use them is analyzed.

Cookies by Storage Time

Persistent Cookies: These are cookies that continue to exist on the user's computer and smart mobile device until they are deleted by the user or until a certain date. These cookies are often used to measure user preferences and site activities.

Session Cookies: These cookies are used to divide the user's visit into sessions and do not collect data from the user. These cookies are deleted when the user is inactive for a certain period on the platforms visited or when the platforms are closed. As mentioned above, Targeting/Advertising/Commercial Cookies are used for third-party service providers to improve the efficiency of their services. These cookies can remember and collect personal data. The platform connects directly to the server of the selected social network when it is visited and these plugins are used. Then, the content offered by the plugin is directly transmitted from social networks to the web browser and added to the visited website. In this way, the related social network can access and process data owned by the user and merge it with data belonging to the account on the related social network.

The Company has no control over the data processed by the Company through social network plugins. For more information on the purposes, methods, and duration of the processing of your personal data by social networks, the personal data policies published by the relevant social networks should be carefully examined.

The use of certain cookies is mandatory for the proper functioning of the platform. If the use of cookies is prevented, the information must be entered again every time the platform is visited, and as a result, some of the services provided by the Company over the internet may not work as needed, or some pages on the platforms may not be viewed.

This Cookie Policy contains general information about cookies to inform Users of the cookies used or that may be used by the Company and to inform Users that they have the authority to manage cookies. The Company reserves the right to change this Cookie Policy.