Dear Customers; This privacy notice, has been prepared by İSMAİL EMRE KENTMENOĞLU – THE ROOM TRAINING acting as a data controller, within the framework of Article 10 of the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (“LPP”), General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and relevant legislation and legal regulations, in order to inform our real person customers and / or the officials and employees of our legal person customers, regarding the purposes of processing, the legal reasons for processing, the collection methods and transfer of your personal data and your rights within the scope of the Law.

1. What are the Personal Data Categories We Process?

Data Categories

Examples of Types of Data Processed in This Category

Identity Data

Name, surname, signature/abbreviated signature information

Contact Data

Phone number, full address, e-mail address

Legal Transaction Data

Correspondence information with judical authorities, information in the case file

Customer Transaction Data

Invoice, bill, check information, order information, request information

Physical Space Security Data

Security camera records

Financial Data

Bank account information, asset information

2. For What Purposes Do We Process These Personal Data?

Your Personal Data listed above will be obtained, processed, recorded, stored/preserved and classified for the following purposes:

  •  To offer you our products and services,

  •  To carry out communication activities,

  •  To provide after sales support,

  • To carry out activities aimed at customer satisfaction with customer relationship and satisfaction management processes,

  • To follow up on your requests and / or complaints,

  •  To conduct contract processes,

  • To carry out the work required by the relevant business units for conducting business operations and to carry out related business processes

  • To plan and implement commercial and / or business strategies and to conduct financial and accounting operations,

  • To ensure safety and physical space security of our company and to provide administrative and technical measures regarding this issue,

  • To conduct marketing analysis studies for our products/services

  • To conduct  advertising/campaign/promotion operations for our products/services

  • To verify identity data and documents in order to prevent misconduct, damage and fraud when necessary

  • To be able to preserve the information needed in accordance with the relevant legislation; to copy and back up in order to prevent data loss; to be able to check the consistency of your information; To take necessary technical and administrative measures for the security of your information,

  • To be able to fulfil our legal obligations to the regulatory and supervisory institutions required by legal regulations, to carry out legal follow-ups and legal processes

3. To Whom and For What Purposes Do We Transfer Your Personal Data?

Your personal data can be shared; to authorized public institutions and organizations in order to provide information to public prosecutors, courts and relevant public officials on issues related to public security and legal disputes that may arise, upon request and in accordance with the legislation and, when necessary; to the law firms we have contracted to follow up the legal processes; to financial advisors to the extent necessary for the purpose of conducting business operations/auditing; to banks for the execution of goods / service contracts; to the portal we use for e – commerce purposes.

4. What Are The Methods Of Collecting Your Personal Data And What Are The Legal Reasons?

Your personal data mentioned above it is processed based on the following legal reasons stated in Article 5 and 6 of LPP no 6698:

(i) Clearly stated by law

(ii) Processing of personal data belonging to the parties of a contract, is necessary provided that it is directly related to the conclusion or fulfilment of that contract

(iii) Data processing is mandatory for the data controller to fulfil their legal obligation

(iv) Data processing is mandatory for the establishment, exercise or protection of any right

Data processing is mandatory for the legitimate interests of the data controller, provided this processing does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject.

Within the scope of the purposes specified in this Privacy Notice and in accordance with the General Principles listed in Article 4 of LPP below:

a) Being in conformity with the law and good faith,

b) Being accurate and if necessary, up to date,

c) Being processed for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes,

d) Being relevant, limited and proportionate to the purposes for which data are processed,

e) Being stored only for the time designated by relevant legislation or necessitated by the purpose for which data are collected,

Your personal data will be processed, recorded, stored, preserved, classified and transferred to the above-mentioned places when necessary, by automatic means or non-automatic means (e-mail, paper, forms, telephone, etc.) provided that it is a part of any data recording system.

5. What Are Your Rights and How Can You Exercise Your Rights Regarding Your Personal Data?

In the 20th article of the Turkish Constitution, it is stated that everyone has the right to be informed about their personal data. In Article 11 of the LPP, rights of the personal data owner under the law are counted.

Your requests within the scope of Article 11 of the Law on Protection of Personal Data No 6698, which regulates the rights of the data subject, can be conveyed to İsmail Emre Kentmenoğlu - The Room Training in accordance with the "Notification Regarding the Application Procedures and Principles of Application to Data Controller" in writing or by using the registered electronic mail (KEP) address, secure electronic signature, mobile signature or by using the electronic mail address previously notified to the data controller by the data subject and registered in the data controller's system.

Right of Access: You have the right to request a copy of your personal data from our company. A small amount of payment may be requested from you for this activity.

Right to Controvert: If you have any personal data that you think is wrong, you have the right to request our company to correct it. At the same time, if you have any personal data that you think is incomplete, you have the right to request our company to complete it.

The Right to be Forgotten: In some cases, you have the right to request our company to delete your personal data.

Right to Restrict Processing: In some cases, you have the right to request our company to limit the processing of your personal data.

Right to Objection to the Processing Process: In some cases, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data from our company.

Right to Data Portability: In certain cases, you have the right to request our company to transfer your personal data we obtain to another organization or directly to you.


Address: Osmanağa Mah. Hasırcıbaşı Cad. Nadide Hanım Apt. No: 41/A Kadıköy/İstanbul
